April 23, 2025 @ 7pm EST/5 pm MST
Button to register is below course description
Instructor: Melissa Masters
Sponsor: Dental CE Masters
Cost $35 per person
Live Webinar
Warning! This course contains graphic images of cadavers.
Course description: This class will discuss the field of Forensic Odontology and how it can be used for identification of unknown remains and in the criminal justice system. We will explore some of the possibilities and the limitations of bite mark identification, dental record keeping, enamel rod patterns, age determination and identifying sex of victims through DNA. We will examine real cases and situations, this may include graphic photos of death, violence and autopsies.
Course Objective:*Learn the identification methods used in Forensic Dentistry *Know the importance of keeping detailed dental records*Understand the potential and the limitations of Dental Forensics
Cost of course is refundable minus fees if participant requests a refund 72 hours or more prior to class start time or if the instructor cancels course for any reason.
You will receive a link when payment is received
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